New Year, New Dot (mp4)

A great way to celebrate the new year! 2023, welcome to my world!

City Destroyer 1

A great Christmas gift for all(Click the Photo)

Peace & Irritable (mp4)

Peace and Fret. Both of them lived inside me. Yet, which one is the real one and which will define me? I chose to review both of them on the screen at the same time

REALity (mp4)

What have we missed in the virtual life, and what have we forgotten? Reality is often more cruel and terrifying than literary works, but we have become accustomed to overlooking and forgetting.

Labyrinth of Bullets (mp4)

A group work with Homero and Kenny. Experience an exciting and awesome journey in the old mystery cave. Made with Blender and AfterEffects, and Premier.

Paper World

An art work created by photoshop

It is a place hidden in my mind; a place to find my peace in. A lake flat like a mirror.

The only thing I used is a wrinkled paper. By chaging the lightness of the image, I easily create different layers for the scene.


by weikun on Sketchfab

An art work created by Blender & PolyCam

Just like the Composit Art piece with the same name, this is also a work piece that I created for myself. Building a place where I can feel peace.

I scaned all elements that I felt peaceful while I am using in my home and fuse them together in blender to create a Zen garden.

Rain (mp4)

Looking out of the window and it's raining. It's like the whole world is blurred, just like my mood, messy. Raindrops hit the window, gradually wash the sight, but also wipe away the dust in my heart.

Crzay Error

My first experience of internet: poor internet. Everytime I met an error, I had no idea how to slove it but to "follow the instructions".

Rocket Man

Fly in to the sky! Me and my partner Angel Flores created this little simple game together as an experiment. I am the main artist and producer. Simplest Game, simplest Joy!