Reincarnation / 轮回

“History is a circle, and we are part of it. It is repeating, and acting as scripts. "

Artist Statement
Weikun Shen
Video Art, Physical Craft

William Strauss and Neil Howe proposed a cyclical nature of history in their theory, with approximately an 80 to 100-year cycle. This cycle encompasses four distinct historical periods known as "High," "Awakening," "Unraveling," and "Crisis." These four periods gave rise to four different generations: "Prophet," "Nomad," "Hero," and "Artist." The S–H Theory includes some well-known heroes, as well as individuals accused of wrongdoing, celebrated figures, and unsung heroes. Their fates are intertwined, collectively weaving the tapestry of human history.

While the Strauss and Howe theory is not universally accepted and has faced criticism for a lack of rigorous empirical evidence, it does inspire people with a romantic perspective for reevaluating history. So it also does inspire this art piece. A video composed of four different phases repeats on a human face, the eyes gradually awakening, observing, and then falling back into slumber; the halo of light dances, proliferates, and vanishes once more. Each phase is a fleeting existence, much like the historical figures glimpsed in the video, representing me and you as well. Don't forget, we are also a part of it. We are observing history and also scripting history. In the grand tapestry of history, we, like all ancestors, are momentary yet indispensable. Our destinies interweave and script the story of humanity.